Thursday, July 8, 2010

What sites can i use to get on to at school?

you have to use a proxy website.

go there and just type in the web address into the box like it is a search. ie "" This will bypass the internet filter and will not appear in your history as going to facebook. This is the only way to do it. Many times schools will start to block proxies, i am sure that is blocked because it well known and obviously a proxy, so you have to know many proxy sites.

That website gives you a list of proxies.

Thats all you need to know.

What sites can i use to get on to at school?
did they block it? just type in proxys and follow the directions it will look confusing. but basically it unlocks the schools codes to block facebook and myspace. the proxy website should have a address bar and type in facebook. it will be a little messed up but keep trying. good luck
Reply:sign up right here

a new site every week or so

sent by email

helps me go to facebook at school
Reply:Try using a proxy.

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