Thursday, July 8, 2010

Does the small amount of friends you have on face book make you feel inadequate?

No. For me the purpose of getting a facebook was to keep in touch with those friends and acquaintances I went to school with, but that either moved away or I hadn't kept in touch with them for whatever reason. I talk to all of the people on my friend list on a regular basis.

Does the small amount of friends you have on face book make you feel inadequate?
Most people with alot of so-called "friends" are just people that they have met once or twice. I personally don't consider that being a friend.
Reply:No, just too lazy to find people to add...
Reply:Well it depends on what you mean as having a little. But it shouldn't bother anyone. It's facebook. Real life matters.
Reply:I closed my account because of that. That's the bad feature of these networking sites. Some ppl end with such a shocking amount of ppl on their profile that it leaves you wonder just how that happened and just how cool that person must be to have gained such an extreme level of popularity. Others like myself who don't go around talking to random people mostly end up with ppl who we have actually hung out with for awhile. Most of the people I knew on facebook were all long time acquaintance. But like I said comparing the amount of ppl on their page and mine just made be feel "inadequate" so I simply closed it, after 4 months. Anyway, I learned that right now, these friend I have exist in the same area that I live in so I can keep in touch with them whenever I want. I'm not too keen on returning to Facebook anytime soon.
Reply:sometimes a little, but not really. i just tell myself im glad im not a popularity whore :) i have about 215 friends on there and most of them are good friends, people who live on the same floor of my dorm and acquaintances, very few are people that i only met once at a party or something.
Reply:Nope. I don't mind having a small amount of friends on it. When people I don't actually know well add me, I don't usually add them back. It's quality over quantity.
Reply:If I have a small amount of Friends on Facebook at least I know that they are my Best Friends who I can Trust.

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