Sunday, August 22, 2010

Has there been a book that has faced greater controversy, scrutiny, etc than the Bible?

Are there more commentaries or searches for explanations brought about by Any other book? Do more people learn from these searches than Any other book?

Peace and Love

Has there been a book that has faced greater controversy, scrutiny, etc than the Bible?
Yeah, anything written by Anne Coulter.
Reply:The Bible is the most read and most talked about in the world's history. It's a good read. Give it a shot and see what everyone is talking about.
Reply:Scrutiny!!!!! The Bible??? Who has Scrutinised the Bible??? Except those that would say it was true no matter what. I would love to have some "Real" Scientist scrutinise the Bible. Problem is, no one that believes the Bible would Believe them. Look at the "Shroud of Turin", if radio carbon dating would have put the date of the Shroud at the year 1 of our lord Jesus Christ. Not only would Scientist be in awe the whole world would have and the Church would have said "AMEN". But since Radio Carbon Dating

put the date in the 14th Century (EXACTLY WHERE HISTORIANS PUT IT) the Church and the Religious said "Radio Carbon Dating" is junk Science! LMAO 8-) GO FIGURE!
Reply:I don't think so!
Reply:The Davinci Code
Reply:I would say "The Davinci Code" has faced a great deal of controversy and scrutiny for a story that doesn't even claim to be true.
Reply:Harry Potter
Reply:The fact that its been 2000 years and we're still arguing about it says enough.
Reply:Possibly 'Quotations from Chairman Mao'.
Reply:Not to my knowledge. Peace.
Reply:Has there ever been an "educational" book with more flaws?
Reply:Two books immediately come to mind for facing greater controversy, etc. than the Christian bible. The first is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" by Charles Darwin and the second would be "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown.
Reply:Qur'an. Vatican is studying it from last 1400 years.
Reply:Don't think so, only because the bible has been around for so darn long. you'd have to compare it to a book at least as old for the comparison to make sense.

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