Could it be information wrote inside could of been tampered with threw time?
The bible. Oldest book on the face of this earth. Wrote by alot of people.?
I am amazed at the duplicity of people sometimes. There are those in here who have stated for a fact that the Bible has been tampered with, or have compared it to a great big version of telephone. The problem with such a premise is that they are merely parrotting what someone else has said about it, without actually having read the Bible through, or doing any historical background into the texts.
Allow me to begin a short defense of the authority and accuracy of the Scriptures. First, let's deal with the "telephone" issue. As kids, many of us have played the game "telephone" where you whisper something into the ear of the person next to you, and then they are supposed to whisper it to the next person and so forth. The last person says out loud what they heard, and it's compared with what was originally spoken, and everyone has a good laugh at how much it changed. If that were the case for the Bible, I would have a good laugh, too. The problem is, the Bible didn't come to us as though it were a game of telephone.
Moses was commanded by God to write down the history of the battle between the Israelites and Amalekites, while on their desert journey. Jesus Himself agreed that Moses also wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me." (Luke 24:44) Many will say that writing hadn't yet been invented by the time of Moses, so that couldn't possibly have happened. This is a bunch of hooey. Writing has been discovered (depending on which you believe to be first) in Egypt, circa 3300-3400 B.C., or in the Euphrates/Tigris regions around 3200-3300 B.C. Moses didn't arrive on the scene until well into the 14th century B.C. But of course, that argument alone won't hold water with those who seek to destroy the faith of some, so I will go on to the other evidence.
I'll continue with the history and accuracy of the Old Testament manuscripts. When the translators of the King James Bible wrote the Old Testament, the oldest available manuscript for them to use, was known as the Masoretic Text. This had been written in the 9th century A.D. It was this text that the translators based their work on the Old Testament. In 1947, a shepherd boy discovered some pottery in caves in the area called Qumran, near the Dead Sea. In these jars, he discovered scrolls, which archaeologists and Bible scholars have researched ever since. Every book of the Old Testament (except Esther) was discovered. Most of these scrolls are dated to 150 B.C. After comparing these Dead Sea Scrolls to the Masoretic Text, the scholars discovered an amazing degree of unanimity between the two, although they were written a thousand years apart. Further, the Septuagint (the Greek language translation of the Hebrew Bible) was also compared. With all of these references, there is plenty of evidence that no biblical doctrine has been tampered with.
Naturally, the next object of ridicule is the New Testament. There is no larger ancient body of manuscript evidence in the history of mankind, than the papyri and parchment manuscripts of the New Testament. With over five thousand actual Greek manuscripts, and numerous other manuscripts in four other languages, there are about twenty-four thousand available manuscript texts for the New Testament.
Even if we didn't have these documents, we could almost have a complete New Testament from extra-biblical sources, such as ancient lectionaries, church fathers' records/sermons/writings, etc.
No other body of ancient work comes close. No one really disputes Julius Caesar's The Gallic Wars (10 manuscripts remain, with the earliest one dating to 1,000 years after the original autograph). No one really disputes Pliny the Younger's Natural History (7 manuscripts; 750 years elapsed). Or Thucydides' History (8 manuscripts; 1,300 years elapsed). No one disputes Herodotus' History (8 manuscripts; 1,350 years elapsed). No one really disputes Plato (7 manuscripts; 1,300 years elapsed). No one really disputes Tacitus' Annals (20 manuscripts; 1,000 years elapsed.) Homer's Iliad, the most renowned book of ancient Greece, is the second best-preserved literary work of all antiquity, with 643 copies of manuscript support discovered to date. In those copies, there are 764 disputed lines of text, as compared to 40 lines in all the New Testament manuscripts.
But we have ancient manuscripts of the New Testament that are written within a generation of Christ's resurrection, and people have the audacity to say it's been tampered with!
Reply:No, the Holy Spirit has preserved His Word.
Reply:Yes the Bible was written by different people,but God guided each of them on what to write down. So in actualality God wrote the Bible with the physical help of the people he picked.
Reply:nah its the "TRUTH" man....
praise the zombie walking dead jesus...
Reply:The Hindu Vedas, composed in classic Samskrüt, were written long before the Bible was compiled : Many historians regard the Vedas as some of the oldest surviving texts in the world, and estimate them to have been written down between 2500 and 500 BC.
Rev,20:1-6; The 1000 year reign of Jesus begans with Satan being confimed to have no power. This is near to 6130 years after Eden, so that Jesus has all made perfect 7130 years after Eden, Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22,36-28; Only God knows the day and hour.
It has been time, and the rest of time is coming.
Gen.1:1,2; All existed, time evident as billions. Gen.1:3-31[Earth is focus];
1656 to flood.[130-105-90-70-65
0000-PLUS-162-65-187-182-600 = 1656, flood.
1656 flood.
0000 Noah + 350 = 2006 Gen.9:28,29; + 2 + Gen.12:4,10,13;15:13,16; Abraham.
0427 years to Abraham age 75, he gets the covenant in year 2083.
0430 years to Moses age 80 Exo.7:7; 12:40,41[430]; 1553 before Christ in #6.
0040 years to the Promised Land. Deut.1:3; 29:5; 34:7; 1513 before Christ in #6.
0480 years to Solomon year 4 king. 1Ki.6:1[480 years]; 1033 before Christ in #6.
0036 years [of 40], Solomon dies. 1Ki.11:42; 997 before Christ in #6.
0391 Judah Kings=Babylon captive. Matt.1:1-17[42 in genealogy];
3460 + 2520 = 5980 after Adam and 606 years before Christ. Dan.9:24-27;
0606 years Christ in Roman Empire #6, + 2530 + 150 Satan down = 6,130 years.
[3460 + 606 + 1914 = 5980+ 92 now = 6072].
4066 years Christ in Rome#6, age 30.Matt.4:1-11[faces Satan Rome #6]; year 33 ascends. John on Patmos in Rome #6, Rev.1:7-9; Rev.17:1-6,10-14[ #1 to #5 has fallen, Rome #6 is];
Bible comes in #7, Jesus second coming is in the 8th.
Reply:ooohhh, Penn and Teller did an episode on their show BULL**** on showtime. It is an interpretation throughout many years, and there is a lot of stuff in there that gets glossed over like stoning kids to death. it was really interesting.
Reply:yes, future scientists are constantly going back into the past and adding new writings to the scriptures.
Reply:actually there are a great number of books and writings that predate the bible. and of course people have changed it's content to suit their own needs.
Reply:The bible beginning is around 1500 BC. It is not the oldest book.
As for bible being tampered. We have sources that support the current version. If you look at any translation, you will find what texts were used.
Reply:Pen and Teller did a show on that it was on show time. They showed how the bible was kinda like that game of telephone u played as a kid. If they ever come out with the dvd buy it that show is kick a$$. I agree tho the bible now a days is a lil watered down it just seems like there is something missing. It also tells us to much of what we wanna here other then what we should here. Like one thing is jesus is potrayed as a white male whitch in accuality of where he lived he would the same nationality as the people we are at war with. Think bout that one for a min.
Reply:I agree that Chrisitanity is just a 2000 year old game of telephone. Purple monkey dishwasher.
Reply:The bible isn't the oldest book. And yess it was mostlikely tampered with during scribing and translations.
Reply:I believe that it could have been tampered with,yes. But I also believe that a LOT of the Bible was Lost in translation. You can never transfer from language to language without losing some of the meaning.
Reply:well bible is not the oldest book all of us know that.
Reply:Yes, the info in the bible has been changed by nearly every pope and king throughout history to say what he wanted to say. If you could get a literal translation (from latin to english) of the guttenberg bible, you could see this.
Reply:ever heard of the wicked bible? it says "thou shalt commit adultery" printing error caught pretty quickly. terribly rare book. given that torahs are copied by hand, and painstakingly pored over, who knows whats slipped through over time? they say that the word virgin for the virgin mary is a transltion error, since the word for virgin is usually translated to mean young girl. and while one would hope the two conditions go together, well, they often dont. and its not the oldest book by the way. the epic of gilgamesh is older. hammurabis code even older.
Reply:no dear it is not tampered with God bless us
Reply:The Bible was written by God, we are told in 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, .............."
There are two texts that the Bible today is taken from, one is the Antiocan text and the other is the Vaticanas text. The vaticanus as you can see is the corrupted version from the vatican and all modern translations are taken from this. if you want the only accurate version, the closest to the Hebrew scriptures, you need to read the King James Version. This is accurate and has NOT been tampered with.
Reply:FRIGGIN' DUH!!!!!!!!! Theologists proved that years ago.The fundies just don't want to listen.
Reply:If you're really want an answer, there are plenty of reasons to trust in your bible. Just do a search in yahoo for more reliable sources than a forum full of people who haven't researched and give uneducated answers.
Reply:No, it was not tampered with because when the Scribes copied it down, they even counted the letters to be sure they came out evenly, and we possess most of the original texts. After the completing of the Scriptures, the New Testament, some people inserted Spurious Texts into the Bible to promote things like the Trinity, Purgatory, etc., etc.
The Bible was written over a 1500 year period by 40 people, yet everything they wrote down is in harmony with each other, and when you check it out, the supposed contradictions are NOT contradictions at all but just that one man looked at a situation and another did too, but were considering different points, but they do match up with much study.
Today, we possess the same Bible that the first Bible readers had with very little difference other than one writer using different words to express the same idea.
The whole Bible can be found at the site below, and it is in the type of English that we speak now. You will find it at the right side of the page if you click on Bible there.
Reply:God has protect the meaning of the text.
Reply:It's been tampered back and forth, up and down, left to right. Ritten by many people, it has so much cultural influences and references. That's why when people today follow exactly what it says, they look like dorks, because they're trying to follow actions and values 2000+ years old.
Reply:how do any of you know that god had his hand in writing the bible? How many of you were alive back then? All of the different versions are just that. Differant. To know its true meaning you have to be fluent in Hebrew and Latin. Who can say how old the oldest book is when carbon dating claimed a KFC chicken bone was thousands of years old? (true story too) The bible is just a book. If you really want guidence then just ask god what to do. His will will be made known to you in due time.
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