Monday, August 16, 2010

Name the only tamper proof book on the face of earth?


Name the only tamper proof book on the face of earth?
It's interesting that you claim it is tamper-proof, when you have proof to the contrary. But blind adherence does cloud reason. Thank you for that demonstration. Report It

Reply:Who wrote the book of love anyway?
Reply:there is none. any book can be messed with if wanted.

books are made by man, if it is made by man then it can be changed by man.
Reply:There are none. Maybe tomorrow we can discover something new... who knows...?
Reply:I hate those "tamper proof" seals on tylenol.

I can never get them open when I have a headache.
Reply:An evolving communally produced book. The aim of the book is that whoever picks it up develops it and takes it on. In this way any changes to the book are intentions of the book producing process and cannot be classed as "tampering".
Reply:The Rosetta Stone
Reply:No book, if 'written down' , can be tamper proof.
Reply:The book of love.
Reply:you got me ,,,what is it?
Reply:Tamper proof? Hmm. Does it have graffiti resistant paint and a U-lock?
Reply:There are none.

Some get eaten by Goats, and versions have been burned.

That is why I am Catholic, we hold to the Bible and Sacred Tradition BOTH!
Reply:The Lambs book of Life.
Reply:I'm sure you'd like me to name the book you believe in, right? I dont' think such a book exists
Reply:Sorry, badrose, but the Qur'an can be tampered with.

For example, this is from the Qur'an:

"Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts. If you juggle cats, then, verily, he is Ever Most Forgiving to those who snort cocaine in obedience, and in repentance."

So, it is not tamper-proof.

The way I see it, the only tamper-proof book is the one not written. You cannot corrupt that which does not exist.
Reply:is it the satanic bible otherwise i have no idea
Reply:The one that isn't opened.
Reply:The one never opened.

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