Saturday, November 19, 2011

Contacts listed in my address box served by Yahoo show a smiley face. All are gray but one is yellow.Explain.

Yahoo contacts in my address book show a smiley face. Why is one yellow, the others gray. Explain.

Contacts listed in my address box served by Yahoo show a smiley face. All are gray but one is yellow.Explain.
When they are on line in Yahoo Instant Messenger, the smiley will be yellow. If it's gray, they are not.

So, if you wish to chat with them, look to see if their smiley is yellow. Go to Messenger and click on their name to open a chat window.
Reply:When one of your contacts is logged in to Yahoo their smiley face will be yellow. When they log off it will be gray.
Reply:Yellow means they are on-line.

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